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消极性造句 更多

  • 1、这一人生哲学施行于内部人际关系的调整,增强了企业的凝聚力,创造了高层主管十年无消极性人事变动的奇迹。
  • 2、但就整体而言,新兴媒体对于中国社会发展的作用,积极性高于消极性,正能量大于负能量。
  • 3、Inthe depths of despair, he wallowed in the consuming darkness, unable to see any ray of hope.
  • 4、The heavy burden of regret weighed down on his weary shoulders, crushing his spirit bit by bit.
  • 5、Loneliness engulfed her like a suffocating cloak, leaving her longing for a connection that seemed forever out of reach.
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